Knit for Those in Need Update

Today was a very exciting day for the Knit for Those in Need program! I spoke with a director from the college’s Center for Service and Civic Engagement, and she was very enthusiastic about helping us! She said they love it when students come forward with ideas, and she thought they would be able to help us buy supplies and give us support within the school. I will probably be teaching a knitting class or two to give people who don’t yet know how to knit the chance to participate, or to show people with basic skills how to move forward from scarves to hats and mittens. I probably shouldn’t mention this for the first time on the blog, but I was also thinking maybe Karen could take a little vacation up to see me and help teach a Saturday afternoon class (you know, if she wants to… :)).

So I have a meeting with them next week, and hopefully we can go from there.

And if anyone wants to get involved or has any ideas please let me know!

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